1.open your pakobot folder then edit the file pako.cfg file in any text editor after that do the changes in red highlighted text.

# Main language, which bot will use as default
<lang value="en" />

# Specifies maximum times, that bot can reconnect until stops
<max_reconnects value="5" />

# Time which is wated before disconnect until next reconnect
<reconnect_time value="5" />

# Main status message, which bot will use as default
<status value="hello" />

# Do you want him to use SSL-Connection?
<ssl value="false" />

# The length of phrase, which is maximum, when bot responses anywhere.
<msglimit value="20000" />

# The length of phrase, which is maximum, when bot responses in group-chat
<mucmsglimit value="2000" />

# Do you want him to use Compression ?
<compression value="false" />

# Specifies a port, through which bot will connect to Jabber-Server
<port value="5222" />

# Specifies JID (Jabber ID). which will be used to connect to Jabber-Server
<jid value="your id@nimbuzz.com" />

# Main NickName, which bot will use as default, when entering chat-room
<nick value="your id" />

# Password, which bot will use to connect his JID to Jabber-Server
<password value="your id password" />

# Do you want him to use Start-TLS when connecting?
<starttls value="false" />

# Do you want to enable logging?
<enablelogging value="true" />

# Do you want to enable admin commands group in muc?
<admininmuc value="false" />

# Do you want to run shell cdommands from your bot?
<allowecmd value="false" />

# Here you have to input the list of administartors of bot, using freespace
<admins value="admin id@nimbuzz.com" />

# Sign, which will be used to type bots commands as prefix
<prefix value="*" />

# The maximum deepness level of possible recursion in aliases resolving.
<recursion_level value="10" />

# The address to connect ha jabber-server in case of fail to connect casually.
# If not needed, leave empty
<connect_server value="openfire.nimbuzz.com" />

# Specify if the program is running in debug moed or not
<debug value="false" />

# Specify if the bot will autosubscribe on subscriptions requests (request to add to roster)
<autosubscribe value="true" />

# Set the charset of the requested result by "web browse" (using "elinks" command)
<elinks_charset value="utf-8" />

# Set the language for handling "sh" on Linux/Unix systems. Not needed for Windows.
<sh_locale value="lc_locale=us_US.UTF-8" />

# Set the time in miliseconds which will be used as interval beetween executing some commands,
# which can cause "traffic rate limit excided" error.
<interval value="1500" />

# Set the version of Sqlite on this machine.
<sqlite value="3" />

# Google API key for Google Search service
<googlekey value="ouMVkMNQFHLQxhw96VunraH5SRWyRBhf" />

# If you wish to enable advanced bot security set this value true
<enhancedsecurity value="false" />


2.open the dynamic folder then open the rooms.base file in any text editor then do the changes in red highlighted text

(change the lang ru into en)

<room status="hello" nick="your id" jid="your room name@conference.nimbuzz.com" lang="en" />

Thats it now just run the Pako.exe

Command to bot answer the specific word when user say hi then bot answer hello

*alias add hi=mics say hello and welcome to my chatroom Description: Smile
(bot admin should send this command into chatroom)

hope you all will enjoy this bot.


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